B.COM, B.A, B.SC 2ND SEM ENGLISH NOTES| Unit -1 Interview


Red Simple and Modern Illustrated Interview Keynote Presentation


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Meaning of Interview

An interview means a face to face interaction between the interviewer and the candidate/candidates so as to obtain desired information from him/them. It can also be defined as a way of exchanging meanings between individuals by using a common set of symbols. Interviews generally need preparation.

According to Gary Dessler, “An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person’s oral response to oral inquiries.”

According to Thill and Bovee, “An interview is any planned conversation with a specific purpose involving two or more people”.


So, an interview is formal meetings between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information, qualities, attitudes, wishes etc. Form the interviewee.

Types of interviews: There are many types of interviews that an organization can arrange. It depends on the objectives of taking the interview. Some important types of interviews are stated below:

  1. Personal interviews: Personal interviews include Selection of the employees, Promotion of the employees and Retirement and resignation of the employees. This type of interview is designed to obtain information through discussion and observation about how well the interviewer will perform on the job.
  2. Evaluation interviews: The interviews which take place annually to review the progress of the interviewee are called the evaluation interviews. Naturally, it is occurring between superiors and subordinates. The main objective of this interview is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.
  3. Persuasive interviews: This type of interview is designed to sell someone a product or an idea. When a sales representative talks with a target buyer, persuasion takes the form of convincing the target that the product or idea meets a need.
  4. Structured interviews: Structured interviews tend to follow formal procedures; the interviewer follows a predetermined agenda or questions.
  5. Unstructured interviews: When the interview does not follow the formal rules or procedures. It is called an unstructured interview. The discussion will probably be free-flowing and may shift rapidly form on a subject to another depending on the interests of the interviewee and the interviewer.
  6. Counselling interviews: This may be held to find out what has been troubling the workers and why someone has not been working.
  7. Disciplinary interviews: Disciplinary interviews are occurring when an employee has been accused of breaching the organization’s rules and procedures.
  8. Stress interviews: It is designed to place the interviewee in a stress situation in order to observe the interviewees reaction.
  9. Public interviews: These include political parties’ radio-television and newspaper.
  10. Informal or conversational interview: In the conversational interview, no predetermined questions are asked, in order to remain as open and adaptable a possible to the interviewee’s nature and priorities; during the interview the interviewer “goes with the flow”.


Importance of Interview

Interview plays a very important role in interpersonal communication since it is between two persons or parties i.e. interviewer and interviewer, its importance is discussed with respect to both aspects.

a) From Interviewer Point of View: Interview has following importance for the interviewer.

1. To match the applicant and the job: A job has a specific requirement. Every person is not suitable for every kind of job, so the interviews enable the interviewer to match the applicant and the job requirement. This matching may be in the following way.

(a) Matching Qualification: A candidate having a master’s degree does not mean that he has the knowledge of master level. Asking questions about the field of candidate enables the interviewer to know as to how much knowledge the candidate has acquired.

(b) Matching Candidate Ability: Different candidates have different abilities. The interview helps know the abilities of every candidate according to the job requirement.

(c) Other Areas: Candidate’s conduct, attitude, confidence, communication skill and other areas are expressed means of interviewers.

2. To develop the image of the organization: Another secondary role of interviews is to establish a good image of an organization before candidate and ultimately before the market.

b) From Interviewee Point of View: An interview is equally important for interviewers as it’s for interview. This importance is enumerated as follows.

1. To have information: An interviewee can have different information about the organization. This information might be about the organization nature of job salary rule and regulations, etc.

2. To have a suitable job: Interview helps the candidate know about the job. In this way, he/she can choose the best one of him/her.

General consideration of an Interviewer before conducting an interview:

Giving an interview is equally important as taking an interview, one has to be very careful while giving an interview, there are following guidelines in general which could enable an interviewer to conduct a good and effective interview.

a) Preparation

b) Conduct during interview

c) Evaluation

a) Preparation: The interviewer should prepare himself before the interview; the following points are to be considered in this regard.

1. Reading applicant’s Resume: There is much information provider in his resume so the resume should be read in detail. So as to asks the question in the perspective of resume.

2. Being aware of state Regulation: There are many policies and rules and regulation made by a state about the recruitment of employees. The interviewer should be aware of them so as to avoid any prospective lawsuit.

3. Planning the questions: The interviewer should plan the pattern of the question, the number of question types length duration etc. should be clear in the mind of the interviewer.

4. Omitting personal bias: There might be many biases in the minds of the interviewer about the candidates. In order to make the interviewee fair, he should avoid these biases.

b) Conduct during the interview: Having prepared for the interview the interviewer should consider the following points during the interview.

1. Letting the candidate speak: The main objective of the interview is to have the information from the candidate as much as possible, so interviewer should let the candidate speak as much as possible.

2. Using the language of the candidate: If there is no restoration regarding the language such a language should be used in which the candidate feels easy and free.

3. Avoiding arguing with the candidate: The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the candidate not to solve a dispute, so argumentation with the candidate should be avoided.

4. Not interrupting the candidate: The candidate is already under a lot of pressure. So the candidate should not be interrupted.

5. Controlling the emotions: During the interview, there are many stages on which the interviewers might get emotional. This may cause failures to the interview process.

6. Establishing eye contact: In order to be confident and put the candidate at ease, the interviewer should establish eye contact with the candidate.

7. Using body language: Use of body language can play an important to make the question clear the candidate.

8. Asking open-ended questions instantly: The close or dead-ended questions are not very useful to acquire more information. So the open-ended question should be asked as much as possible.

c) Evaluation: After the interview, the last step is to evaluate the interviewee. For this purpose, there are the following points which should be given importance.

1. No personal bias: There might be many candidates with whom the interviewer may have personal bias. This should be avoided in any case to hire potential people.

2. Clear cut standards: The interviewer should try to establish a clear-cut standard for evaluation such as point system.

Interviewee’s preparation for the interview

The purpose of an interview is for the recruiter to assess whether you have the right set of skills and experience to fit into the job profile.

Your objective in an interview needs to be to convince the recruiter that you are the right person for the job. To do that, you have to follow the following 7 steps:

  • Research the company

Never go for an interview without doing research on the company. You will invariably be asked some question to judge whether you have any knowledge of the company or not. It is a complete turn off for a recruiter if you have no idea about the company you are applying to. The basic things that you need to look up are as follows:

  • Which industry/industries does the company operate in?
  • What are its products?
  • What kind of customers does it serve?
  • Any recent news about the company?
  • The culture and values of the company?
  • Compare your skills and experience with what is mentioned in the job description

Make sure to look at the job description for any job that you are applying for, it carries a wealth of information. Look at the skills that have been highlighted as desirable. Look at the technical skills and relevant experience mentioned in the job description. Then compare your technical skills, work experience and other soft skills with the requirement. This will help you figure out how to position yourself as the right candidate for the job, ideally, write down specific instances for your past to highlight these skills and expertise. These will come in handy during the interview.

  • Prepare answers for expected questions

There are many standard questions that are asked in interviews. It makes no sense to go in for an interview without preparing answers to these standard questions. Even if you think you know the answer, it will help to write down the answer to these questions. This process will help you refine your answer and make them concise and succinct. Some of the standard questions are:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your strengths and weakness?
  • Why should we hire your?
  • Why do you want to join this company?
  • What do you like/hate most about your work?
  • Why do you want to change your job?
  • Plan the day of the interview

It is important to have any unnecessary stress on the day of the interview. So it is better to plan the day meticulously. Consider things like:

  • What will you wear?
  • Where is the interview? How much time will it take to get there?
  • How will you travel? What time should you leave to reach their 10 – 15 min before the scheduled time for the interview?
  • What all should you carry for the interview?
  • Do you have enough copies of your resume?
  • Do you have references ready in case you are asked for it?
  • At the interview, be aware of your non-verbal cues

Remember that impressions are formed within a few second so make sure to walk in confidently with a simple and have a firm handshake. How we carry ourselves and how we sit, says a lot about us and our confidence levels. Also make sure to avoid nervous gestures like stroking your hair, touching your neck, rubbing your nose, etc. as these are clear giveaways about being nervous or untruthful.

  • Have a solid introduction

Most interviews start with the question, “Tell me about yourself.” It is important to have a good introduction ready. This should focus on your skills, expertise and keenness to join the company and not about where you lived and how many family members you have. This question gives you a good opening to steer the conversation to your strengths. Also, keep it brief. Don’t go on talking for 2 – 3 minutes. The recruiter may completely lose interest.

  • Answer confidently and succinctly

If you have prepared your answers for standard questions, you can answer most of what is being asked. You need to know your technical content well and should be able to give ample examples to support your responses. Any claim of strength or expertise made without examples just fall flat. When you give examples, it makes your response compelling. Also, try to respond to the point. Recruiters can easily make out if you are giving a rambling answer only to cover up the fact that you don’t know the answer. So keep it brief and to the point. But make sure to answer in full sentences.

  • Ask intelligent questions

Towards the end of an interview, you will usually be asked if you have any questions for the recruiter. Never say no because it shows that you are not very keen on the company or the job. Have a set of 2 – 3 questions ready to ask when you are given the opportunity. These questions need to be able to the job and the role and not about holidays and perks.

Preparation is really important to do well in interviews. If you tend to get nervous, it is also important to do some rounds of mock interviews so that you get comfortable with being asked questions. You can ask a friend or family member to ask your questions like a recruiter.

Mock Interview

A Mock Interview is a practice interview designed to simulate a real job interview as closely as possible.  Mock interviews are one of the best ways to improve interview skills and prepare for an interview.  The practice gained in a mock interview is invaluable. Mock interviews can be completed in person, by phone or by video conference.  All three methods work well.  The key to success in a mock interview is recreating the interview experience as much as possible.

Purposes/Objectives of mock interview
  1. Practicing for the actual interview.
  2. Describes the manner of the actual interview.
  3. Develops the strategy of interview.
  4. Minimize worry and anxiety prior to the actual interview.
  5. Aims at making firms impression effective.
  6. Practicing communicating with one’s skill clearly.
Importance/Significance of Mock Interview

Mock interviews enable candidates to have a fair idea about the sort of things they are going to experience at actual interviews and prepare them how accurately they can deal with it. Generally, these interviews are organized by career services where a career coach trains the students and recent alumni for the new opportunities they can explore by being perfect at the actual interview sessions. But, accuracy does not come automatically. It needs a thorough practice and guidance from an expert trainer. Mock interviews do just the exact thing with the candidates to bring them to perfection and boost their confidence.

Mock interviews help candidates reduce their anxiety about interviewing by training them for the typical interview questions. The person conducting the mock interview session is most likely an experienced interviewer and a skilled trainer, who can guide candidates whether or not their responses are suitable, along with providing them with the most appropriate set of response they should practice. In the process, the candidates gain their confidence by knowing their strengths and shortcomings. No one is perfect enough to execute everything faultlessly, so the purpose of these mock interviews is to point out one’s weaknesses and guide them to bring perfection by rectifying those.

Mock interviews also prepare job seekers for behavioural-based issues in an interview. In a real interview, the behavioural standard is judged much by the interviewee’s body language. So, it is very important to know how one can appear best by employing those standard set of gestures. From the moment of entry in the interview room, everything about the posture will be marked minutely. Therefore, one needs to know very accurately about what the things are that one should do and what not. Right from the way of stepping into the room, greetings to the panellists, way of looking at them, style of sitting and manner of responding to them – everything counts on. And mock interview sessions are the best ways to gather knowledge about all these little details which are too important to overlook.

16 Questions which are asked normally during a mock interview:

The biggest style decision in a mock interview deals with follow up questions.  Some interviewers foster a dialogue with a lot of follow up questions, while others take the answer from the job seeker and move on to the next question.  In most cases, candidates struggle more when they are not asked to follow up questions, but each job seeker is different.  The mock interview should mimic the style of the upcoming interview if possible.  Questions which are asked during a mock interview:

  1. What was the toughest decision you had to make?
  2. Why do you want to work for this organisation?
  3. Why should we employ you?
  4. If we hire you, what changes would you make?
  5. Can you offer a career path?
  6. What are your greatest strengths?
  7. What is your greatest weakness?
  8. What didn’t you like about the previous jobs you have held?
  9. How do you spend your leisure time?
  10. Is there a weakness in your education or experience?
  11. Where do you want to five years from now?
  12. What are your salary expectations?
  13. What would you do if your computer broke down during an audit?
  14. What type of position you interested in?
  15. Tell me something about yourself.
  16. Do you have any questions about the organisation or job?
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