Class 12 Political Science Notes- Chapter 15 : THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRATIC ORDER – CBSE |AHSEC

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Chapter 15

UNIT – 15



1. To which state did Jay Prakash Narayan belong?

Ans. Jay Prakash Narayan belonged to Bihar.

2. Who founded the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)?

Ans. Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) was founded by Charu Mazumder.

3. When was Emergency declared in India for the first time?

Ans. In India the emergency was declared for the first time on 25th June 1975.

4. By whom was the Shah Commission headed?

Ans. The Shah Commission was headed by justice J.C. Shah, retired chief Justice of the supreme court of India.

5. By whom was the student’s movement in Gujarat and Bihar led?

Ans. In Gujarat and Bihar the student’s movement was led by Jay Prakash Narayan.

6. Mention any one subject included in the twenty point programmes made by Indira Gandhi.

Ans. Land Reforms can be mentioned as one subject included in the twenty points. Programmes made by Indira Gandhi.

7. When did the Janata Government come to power?

Ans. After 1977’s General Elections the Janata Government came to power.

8. During the period of which government was the Mandal Commission appointed?

Ans. In the period of Janata Party government the Mandal Commission was appointed.

9. Which party won the general election in 1977.

Ans. The Janata Party won the general election in 1977.

10. Who introduced the concept of ‘Committed Bureaucracy and judiciary’ in India?

Ans. Mrs. Indira Gandhi introduced the concept of ‘Committed Bureaucracy and Judiciary’ in India.

11. Name the Indian President who proclaimed Emergency in 1975?

Ans. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the Indian President who proclaimed Emergency in 1975.

12. Who became the symbol of restoration of democracy?

Ans. The leader of Janata Party, Jay Prakash Narayan became the symbol of restoration of democracy.

13. Who was the Charu Mazumder?

Ans. Charu Mazumder was the founder of communist party (Marxist Leninist) (C.P.I – M.L)

14. Who was the leader of ‘Congress for Democracy’?

Ans. Mr. Jagjivan Ram was the leader of ‘Congress for Democracy’.

15. In which region of India were Marxist-Leninist group strong?

Ans. In the Easter region of India were Marxist-Leninist group strong.

16. Find out the correct word:

(a) In the election of 1971, (Congress/Janata) had given the slogan of ‘Garibi Hatao’.

Ans. In the election of 1971, Congress had given the slogan of ‘Garibi Hatao’.

(b) In (1966/1967) a peasant uprising took place in the Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hills.

Ans. In 1967 a peasant uprising took place in the Naxalbari police station area of Darjeeling hills.

(c) According to Article No. (352/356), emergency was declared in India in 1975.

Ans. According to Article No. 352, emergency was declared in India in 1975.

(d) (Morarji Desai/Charan Singh) became the Prime Minister of the Janata Party Government after the 1977 election.

Ans. Morarji Desai became the Prime Minister of the Janata Party Government after the 1977 election.

(e) In 1974, the Railway strike was led by (Jay Prakash Narayan/George Fernandez).

Ans. In 1974, the Railway strike was led by George Fernandez.

(f) The Shah Commission was appointed in (1967/1969/1974)

Ans. The Shah Commission was appointed in 1977.

(g) Naxalite Movement was started in (1967/1969/1974)

Ans. Naxalite Movement was started in 1969.

(h) ‘Indira in India, India is Indira’ a slogan given by (Charan Singh/Jagjivan Ram/Devokanta Baruah)

Ans. ‘Indira in India, India is Indira’ a slogan given by Devokanta Baruah.

(i) The call for “Total Revolution’ was given by (Morarji Desai/George Fernandez/Jagjivan Ram)

Ans. The call for ‘Total Revolution’ was given by Morarji Desai.

17. In which state Nava-Nirman movement was started?

Ans. Gujarat.

18. Write the name of any, one Civil liberties organization?

Ans. National Co-ordination Committee for Railway men’s struggle.

19. When ‘Grand Alliance’ was formed?

Ans. 1971

20. When Janata Party was formed?

Ans. 1977

21. Who was the first President of Janata Party?

Ans. Jay Prakash Narayan

22. Write one characteristic of ‘Committed bureaucracy’?

Ans. Committed for government ideology.

23. Name the Indian President who proclaimed Emergency in 1975?

Ans. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

24. Who led railway strike of 1974?

Ans. George Fernandez

25. Who was the Jay Prakash Narayan?

Ans. Jay Prakash Narayan was the founder Secretary of the Socialist Party.

26. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Morarji Desai was the first Prime Minister belongs to ____ party.

Ans. Non-Congress Party

(b) In May 1977, The Janata Party govt. appointed a commission of inquiry headed by ____.

Ans. Shah Commission of Inquiry

(c) The opposition political parties led by ____ pressed for Smt. Indira Gandhi’s resignation.

Ans. Jay Prakash Narayan


1. Who introduced twenty Point Programme and why?

Ans. The congress government led by Mrs. Indira Gandhi introduced the twenty point programme to bring law and order and store efficiency.

2. List any two reasons for the victory of Congress in Southern States.

Ans. The two reasons for the victory of congress in Southern States are like –

  1. In the southern states of India the impact of emergency was very law. So the congress gets victory.
  2. The forced relocation and displacement, the forced sterilization was mostly concentrated in the northern states. So the southern states were favoured to congress party.

3. Write a note on Railway strike of 1974.

Ans. George Fernandez led the “Railway Strike” in 1974. The National Coordination Committee for Railway men’s struggle gave a call for nationwide railway strike to fulfill certain demands. The demands included for upgrading service Commission and grant for bonus.

4. Who organized the first nationalize Satyagraha and why?

Ans. The first nationalize Satyagraha was organized by Gandhian Jay Prakash Narayan for the resignation of Mrs. Indira Gandhi and asked the army, the police and government employees not to obey ‘illegal and immoral orders’.

5. What do you mean by basic structure of the constitution?

Ans. Basic structure of the constitution means certain basic features of the constitution of India, which can’t be altered in exercise of the power to amend it under Act 368. If therefore a constitutional Amendment seeks to alter the basic structure of the constitution the court would be entitled to amend it on the ground of ultravires.

6. Write two important characteristics of ‘Committed Bureaucracy’ of India.

Ans. (i) Committed to the ideology of ruling class.

          (ii) Committed to the programme and planning formulated by ruling political party.

7. Why and on what ground emergency was declared by the congress government?

Ans. The congress government declared an emergency in response to Jay Prakash Narayan’s nationalize Satyagraha for the resignation of Indira Gandhi, observing the situation the government decided that a grave crisis had arisen which made the proclamation of a state of emergency necessary. Thus, on 25th June 1975, the government declared that there was thread of internal disturbances and therefore, it involved Article 352of the constitution under which emergency can be declared.

8. Why USA stopped all aid to India? Give two reasons.

Ans. USA Stopped all aids to India because of the two reasons –

  1. Indira Gandhi’s emergency was staunchly criticized by USA and as a strong reaction the president of USA stopped all forms of help.
  2. In 1975, Mrs. Indira Gandhi accused USA of conspiring against India and joining hands with opposition leaders and parties of India. This was strongly reacted by USA and as a consequence ceased to give aid to India.

9. List the implication of emergency.

Ans. The two implication of emergency is as follows –

  1. Once the emergency is proclaimed the federal distribution of powers remain practically suspended and all powers are concentrated in the hands of the Union government.
  2. The government also gets the power to curtail all or any of the fundamental rights during emergency.

10. Write the effects of emergency on working of the police and bureaucracy.

Ans. The effect of emergency on working of the police and bureaucracy are as follows –

  1. The police and the bureaucracy (administration) could not function independently; they turned into political instrument of ruling party.
  2. According to shah commission report administration and police became valuable to political pressures.

11. What do you mean by Press Censorship?

Ans. Press censorship means during emergency, the government using its special powers suspended the freedom of the press. Newspapers were asked to get prior approval for all materials to be published. That is what press censorship refers to.

12. What do you mean by Preventive Detention?

Ans. Preventive Detention is an Act under which people are arrested and detained not because they have committed any offence, but on the apprehension, that they may commit an offence. Using Preventive Detention Act, the government made large scale arrests during the emergency.

13. Why did non-congress parties oppose the congress?

Ans. The non-congress parties opposed the congress on following ground –

  1. Congress during emergency time misused its powers and did various anti human activities like torture and custodial deaths occurred in this time.
  2. Arrests of political workers and the restrictions on the press was compulsory by the congress government in this time.

14. List the new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977.

Ans. The new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977 are – Janata Party, Congress for Democracy.

15. Explain any two outcomes of Lok Sabha election of 1972?

Ans. The two outcome of Lok Sabha election of 1972 are as follows –

  1. Indira Gandhi’s new congress after the split in 1969, won the 1971 election. The 1971 elections were a clean sweep for congress with this the congress party led by Indira Gandhi established its claim to being the ‘real’ congress and restored to it the dominant position in Indian politics.
  2. The Grand Alliance of the opposition proved a grand failure in 1971 election. Their combined tally of seats was less than 40. The congress (o) got only 16 seats with 10% votes in the fifth general election although it launched a campaign to remove Indira.

16. What do you mean by basic structure of the Constitution?

Ans. Basic structure of the constitution means certain basic features of the constitution of India, which can’t be altered in exercise of the power to amend it under Act 368. If therefore a constitutional Amendment seeks to alter the basic structure of the constitution the court would be entitled to amend it on the ground of ultravires.

17. What do you understand by Civil Liberties’ Organization?

Ans. Civil liberties organizations are organization for the protection of civil liberties of common people.

18. What were the different expectations of different section of society from emergency?

Ans. The two implication of emergency is as follows –

  1. Once the emergency is proclaimed the federal distribution of powers remain practically suspended and all powers are concentrated in the hands of the Union government.
  2. The government also gets the power to curtail all or any of the fundamental rights during emergency.

19. List the new parties formed on the eve of election of 1977?

Ans. The new political parties which were formed on the eve of election of 1977 –

  1. Janata Party.
  2. Congress for democracy.

20. What were the causes responsible for the formation of Janata Party?

Ans. Due to misrule of Congress and emergency rule are factors responsible for the formation of Janata Party.

21. Write two main provisions of 42nd constitution Amendment Act.

Ans. The two main provisions of 42nd constitution amendment are –

  1. Added new words in the Preamble.
  2. Added a list of fundamental duties by the citizens.

22. Write a note on Bihar Movement?

Ans. Bihar Movement was led by students against the misrule of Congress government.


1. How did the Emergency (1975-1977) after the fundamental rights of the Indian citizen? Give example.

Ans. The Emergency (1975-1977) affects the fundamental rights of the Indian citizen a lot like the following ways –

  1. In the time of Emergency, the government made extensive uses of Preventive Detention Act which made large scale arrests of political leaders and civilians.
  2. Arrested political workers could not challenge their arrests through Habeas corpus petition.
  3. Torture and custodial deaths occurred during the emergency, and no one can oppose against it through court.
  4. Right to speak was abolished and the media needed to take permission from the government for publishing any report.

2. Emergency is one of the most controversial episodes in Indian politics – Justify.

Ans. Emergency is one of the most controversial episodes of Indian politics we can justify this statement by mentioning following reason as like –

  1. There were different viewpoints about the necessary to declare emergency. Some proposed it and some opposed it.
  2. During the emergency, all or any of the fundamental rights of our constitution were curtail or restrict.
  3. It creates an extra ordinary situation in the country, where normal democratic politics can’t function properly.
  4. Inability of the government to fulfill the promises made by it at the initial stage of emergency period.

3. List the issues which did not vanish even after the emergency.

Ans. Though emergency was declared but some issues are not vanishing from the country even after the situation. Some issues can be mentioned like following ways –

  1. The tension between routine functioning of a democratic government and the continuous political protests by parties and groups.
  2. The policy and the administration got excess powers during emergency, later they turned into political instrument of the ruling party and became value able to political pressures. This problem still exists.
  3. It remains as important issue that if there is a correct balance of the government’s power and the people’s right in a democracy like India.
  4. Question emerges that should the citizens have full freedom to engage in protest activity or should they have no such right at all.

4. What were the different expectations of different sections of society from emergency?

Ans. From emergency different sections of society had different expectations. The different sections of people’s expectations can be stated like as –

  1. In the initial months after the declaration of emergency, the urban middle classes were generally happy over the fact that agitations came to an end and discipline was enforced on the government employees.
  2. The poor and rural people expected effective implementation of the welfare programmes that the government was promising.
  3. It was expected that the agricultural sector will be developed and farmers will be benefited through measures like land reforms, land redistribution, review of agricultural wages etc.


1. Analyze any six consequences of the emergency declared on 25th June, 1975.

Ans. The following are the consequences of emergency –

  1. Curtailment of Rights: During the emergency the government gets the power to curtail or restrict all or any of the fundamental Rights incorporated in Indian constitution.
  2. Use of Preventive Detention: The government made extensive use of preventive Detention laws during emergency. Under this provisions, people are arrested and detained not because they have committed any offence, but on the apprehension that they may commit an offence.
  3. Return of Awards: Many recipients of civilian awards were turned to central government as a mark of protest towards emergency. People who received Bharat Tanta, Padma Shree, Padma Bhushan, Padma Bibhushan, returned the award to show their grievance towards the law imposed by Indira Gandhi.
  4. Centralized Administration: As soon as emergency was proclaimed the whole administration came under central government. This structure is followed as a part of constitutional provision. According to Indian constitution when any sort of emergency is proclaimed the whole of India transforms into centralized federation.
  5. Communal Organization Banned: All Hindu and Muslim communal organizations during emergency were banned to maintain communal harmony in the society. Some of such communal organizations were RSS, Jamait-e-Islami etc.
  6. Central Amendments: Several constitutional amendments were carried out during emergency. Indira Gandhi increased the tenure of Lok Sabha, divested the authority of the Supreme Court regarding election of president, vice president, prime minister and speaker of Lok Sabha.

2. The 1977 elections for the first time saw the opposition coming into power at the centre. What would you consider as the reason for this development? [2013]

Ans. In the election of 1977, both the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies, the congress party lost its dominance. Not only it lost dominance, it got a cursing defeat at the hands of the newly emerged Janata Party. The following highlighting causes were responsible for the defeat of the congress or the victory of the Janata Party in the 1977 election.

      For the first time in the history of force India, internal emergency was imposed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Immediately after the imposition of emergency the imposition of emergency, the leaders of all the opposition parties including J.P. Narayan were throw behind the bars. The real motive behind the declaration of emergency was personal. Mrs. Indira Gandhi wants to stick to the “kursi” of the Prime Minister. Basic liberties of the people were suppressed. No individual or party could utter word against the imposition of emergency or the excess committed by the government. During emergency Sanjay Gandhi appeared as the extra constitutional centre of power. It was he who controlled the administration of India. During emergency, various black acts were passed by the Indira Government. The people suspected of anything against the government. The people suspected of anything against the government could be corrected and thrown behind the bars without any trial under the MISA. The life, liberty, respects and property of no person was considered safe. Indira Government lowered the position of the Judiciary through the 42nd amendment. In fact, Judiciary was subordinated to the executive. The scope of judicial review was limited to a great extent. At the instance of Sanjay Gandhi, various states particularly Haryana resorted to compulsory sterilization. Buses were stopped and sent to Hospital for sterilization of the passengers. The condition of the people of India had become very pitiable due to the continous rise in prices. People were very sore with the congress government abolished bonus to employee of public sector during emergency. As such they were very sore with the congress government. J.P. Narayan emerged as a leader of Indian Unrest. He was the most respected leader after Nehru. People came to realize that they can fall back on J.P. Narayan after dislodging the congress from power. Emergency and the measures adopted during emergency by the congress government were responsible for the defeat of the congress party in 1977’s election.

3. Explain briefly the policies and programmes of Janata Party.

Ans. The Janata of Chander Shakher is a ‘rump’ of the 1977-79 Janata party which came into existence in the wake of ‘Emergency’. According to some critics the phenomenon that was Janata Party was the result of a national struggle. The Main programmes and policies of Janata Party was democratic socialism, civil liberties and cleaner politics etc. It offers something distinctive and attractive and regains organizational vitality to its people. It goes to the credit of Janata Party that it has not lost its national alternative to the congress (I). It has in its ranks many nationally respected politicians Mr. Ramakrishna Hegde, Mr. Madhu Dandavate, Mr. Surindera Mohan, Mr. Madhu Limaye and Chander Shakher – who are known to be respects of norms and values in the conduct of public affairs. Another strong point in its favour is that it doesn’t provoke violent antipathy. It can be at the head of a national coalition of anti congress forces.

      Some policies and programmes of Janata government are –

  1. The Janata Party wishes to give the country a government ‘responsive’ to the people and ‘respectful’ to its constitution and democratic freedoms.
  2. It promises to make a common cause with the people for the creation of a nation united by equality, justice and egalitarianism and governed by the true representative of the people through democratic processes.
  3. There is a distinct stress on social, political and administrative reforms as, for instance, in the offer of a package of measures starting with a principled and national distribution of powers and functions between the centre and the states, on the one hand, and within the state upto the village on the other.
  4. The theme of decentralization is also reflected in the proposed steps for economic reform, a review of measures like Octroi, income-tax and multiple taxes.
  5. There is also a promise to deal with corruption.

4. Explain any three main outcomes of Lok Sabha elections of 1977.

Ans. The true main outcomes of Lok Sabha elections of 1977 are –

  1. In the 1977, for the first time since Independence congress didn’t come to power. It is because the entire opposition found a common adversary in congress and its leader Indira Gandhi.
  2. In the election Janata party fought for the congress misrule. It was a referendum. Due to detention of people and censorship of press, public opinion was against congress. J.P. ensured that non-congress votes were not divided. Congress won 154 seats in Lok Sabha. Its vote percentage reduced to 35%. The Janata Party and its allies got 330 out of 542 seats. Janata Party got 295 seats and won seats in Bihar, UP, Delhi. Indira Gandhi lost from Rae Barelli and Sanjay Gandhi lost from Amethi.
  3. The J.P. movements led congress (I), Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS), Bharatiya Lok Dal, Socialist party and congress for dissidents led by Jagjivan Ram to unite under one front or party called the Janata Party. Riding on the wave of anti emergency Janata party won a majority in 1977 election in the Lok Sabha and formed a government under Morarji Desai.

5. Analyze the conflict between the Judiciary and Parliament of India in 1973.

Ans. Before the declaration of emergency it was a period when the government and the ruling party had many differences with the judiciary. Three constitutional issues emerged which led to a strain between judiciary, legislature (Parliament) and executive.

  1. Firstly, can the Parliament abridge Fundamental Rights? The Supreme Court said it cannot.
  2. Secondly, can the President curtail the “right to property by making an amendment? Again, the court said that Parliament cannot amend the constitution in such a manner that rights and curtailed.

6. Examine the legacy of the Emergency of 1975.

Ans. The Legacy of the emergency of 1975 was felting every sphere of people life and the politics of the nation as well –

  1. Between the elections of 1977 and 1980 the party system had changed dramatically. Since 1969, the congress party had starting shedding its character as an Umbrella Party which accommodated leaders and workers of different ideological dispensations and viewpoints. This congress party now identified itself with a particular ideology, claiming to be the only socialist and pro-poor party.
  2. With the change in the nature of the congress party, other opposition parties relied more and more on non-congressism.
  3. In an indirect manner the issue of welfare of the backward castes also began to dominate politics since 1977. For instance the Northern states elected non-congress governments in which the leaders of the backward castes played an important role.
  4. Besides, the emergency and the period around it can be described as a period of constitutional crisis. It had its origin in the constitutional battle over the jurisdiction of the parliament, and the judiciary.
  5. Over the other hand, it was also a period of political crisis. The party in power had absolute majority, yet its leadership decided to suspend the democratic process.
  6. Another critical issue was the role and extent of mass protest in a parliamentary democracy. The emergency period saw a dark tension between institutions based democracy and democracy based on spontaneous popular participation for which the party system was to be blamed.

7. “Was the Emergency necessary” – Explain your views.

Ans. A large number of people were impressed by the positive outcome of some of the well-publicized Emergency measures:

  1. With the restoration of public order and discipline, many felt relieved that the country had been saved from disorder and chaos.
  2. There was less crime in the cities, gheraos; uncontrolled and often violent, demonstrations came to an end. There was a perceptible lessening of tension in the air.
  3. There was calm and tranquility on the campuses as students and teachers went back to classrooms. In the initial months at least, the Emergency restored to India a kind of calm it has not known for years.
  4. Quick, dramatic and well-publicized action was taken against smugglers, hoarders, black marketers, illegal traders with several thousand of them put behind bars under the MISA.

8. Explain the reason and results of emergency.

Ans. (1) Economic growth of the first year of the Emergency was not sustained. Agricultural output declined.

          (2) The poor were disenchanted with the slow progress in their welfare and workers were unhappy because of limits on wages, bonus and dearness allowance and restrictions on the right to strike.

          (3) The bureaucracy and the people go increased power that was unchecked by criticism and exposure from the Press, Courts, MLAs and MPs, political parties and popular movements.

Ans. (1) the implementation of the Twenty-Point-Programme announced by Mrs. Indira Gandhi for pro-poor welfare programmes and other developmental programmes was placed exclusively on the same old corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy and discredited politicians.

          (2) Mrs. Gandhi’s younger son, Sanjay Gandhi, who held no office in the government or Congress, emerged as a parallel authority, interfering at will in the working of the government and administration.

          (3) So far as the common people were concerned, matters took a turn for the worse. There were no avenues of protest or any other mechanism for the voicing and redressal of their grievances.

9. What are the Lessons of Emergency?

Ans. (1) The Emergency made everyone more aware of the value of civil liberties.

          (2) One lessons of Emergency is that it is extremely difficult to do away with democracy in India.

          (3) The government should run the administration according to the provisions of the Constitution. Constitution is supreme and its supremacy should be protected by the Judiciary.

          (4) Some ambiguities regarding the emergency provision in the Constitution have been rectified. Now, internal emergency can be proclaimed only on the ground of “armed rebellion” and it is necessary that the advice to the President to proclaim Emergency must be given in writing by the Council of Ministers.

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