AHSEC Class 12 English Grammar- Voice (2000-2020)

Are you looking for active to passive voice AHSEC class 12 (HS), you are at the right place here you can find AHSEC Class 12 English Grammar- Voice (2000-2020) with an answer. All these exercises on active to passive voice are very important for the upcoming exam.

You can also check out: AHSEC CLASS 12 TENSE FROM 2000-2020

You can also check out: AHSEC CLASS 12 PREPOSITION FROM 2000-2020

Here I have also added additional questions on active to passive voice from the model question bank which is very important.

In Assam higher secondary educational council (AHSEC) class 12 Questions on voice are asked for 3 marks. There will be six questions out of which you have to answer only three questions.

You can also check out: AHSEC CLASS 12 PREPOSITION FROM 2000-2020

AHSEC Class 12 voice
Active to passive voice exercises

Voice HS 2nd year- 2020

  1. The nurse is looking after this little girl.

Ans: This little girl is being looked after by the nurse.

2. Morning shows the day.

Ans: The day is showed by morning. or It is said that morning shows the day

3. The glass has not been broken by anybody.

Ans: Nobody has broken the glass.

4. What causes an earthquake?

Ans: By what an earthquake is caused?

5. The ground has to be cleared by us.

Ans: We have to clean the ground.

6. The Governor gave him a reward.

Ans: A reward was given to him by the Governor.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2019

  1. Drive the car slowly.

Ans: Let the car be driven slowly.

2. I am writing a letter now.

Ans: A letter is being written by me now.

3. We should not encourage indiscipline.

Ans: One should not encourage indiscipline.

4. Who wrote the Ramayana?

Ans: By whom was the Ramayana written?

5. Promises should be kept.

Ans: We should keep our promises.

6. He will be forgotten in a few years.

Ans: People will forget him in a few years.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2018

  1. A Japanese firm makes these television sets.

Ans: These television sets are made by a Japanese firm.

2. An earthquake destroyed the town.

Ans: The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

3. Whom did you laugh at?

Ans: Who was laughed at by you?

4. He was taught this in his boyhood.

Ans: Someone taught him this in his boyhood.

5. Shut the window.

Ans: Let the window be shut/ You are ordered to shut the window.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2017

  1. Football is played everywhere.

Ans: People play football everywhere.

2. Do the work immediately.

Ans: you are ordered to do the work immediately/ Let the work be done immediately.

3. Who opened the door?

Ans: By whom was the door opened.

4. I have lost my book.

Ans: My book has been lost by me.

5. The coach is training the players.

Ans: Players are being trained by the coach.

6. Who has broken the window plane?

Ans: By whom has the window plane been broken?

Voice HS 2nd year- 2016

  1. She handed me the letter.

Ans: A letter was handed to me by her.

2. They laughed at us.

Ans: we were laughed at by them

3. The stranger made an attempt to break into the house.

Ans: An attempt was made by the stranger to break into the house.

4. The student was told to leave the room.

Ans: The teacher told the student to leave the room.

5. Have they done the work?

Ans: Has the work been done by them?

Voice HS 2nd year- 2015

  1. She bought the baby a doll.

ANS: A doll was bought to he baby by her.

2. They were refused admission.

Ans: Someone refused their admission

3. He was found guilty of murder.

Ans: The police found him guilty of murder

4. The leader was welcomed by the people.

Ans: The people welcomed the leader.

5. My watch has been stolen.

Ans: Someone has stolen my watch.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2014

  1. The student was told to leave the room.

Ans: The teacher told the student to leave the room

2. Guwahati is called the gateway to the North East.

Ans: People call Guwahati the gateway to the North East.

3. They laughed at us.

Ans: We were laughed at by them.

4. My umbrella has been broken.

Ans: Someone has broken my umbrella

5. The thief was beat up by the mob.

Ans: The mob beaten up the thief.

6. You will be asked to deliver the letters.

Ans: Someone will ask you to deliver the letter.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2013

  1. My bicycle has been stolen.

Ans: Someone has stolen my bicycle.

2. He is expected soon.

Ans: we expect him soon.

3. He likes tea.

Ans: Tea is liked by him.

4. Please give me some more time.

Ans: You are requested to give me some more time.

5. When will the work be finished?

Ans: when will someone finish the work.

6. Shut the window.

Ans: You are requested to shut the window.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2011

  1. The man was pelted with stones. (P)

Ans. They (Somebody) pelted the men with stones. (A)

2. I shall never forget you (A).

Ans. You will never be forgotten by me (P)

3. Post the letter immediately (A)

Ans. Let the letter by posted immediately (P)

4. Who wrote the Geetanjali written? (A)

Ans. By whom was the Geetanjali written? (P)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2010

  1. I was annoyed to his conduct. (P)

Ans. His conduct annoyed me. (A)

2. Rahul is flying a kite. (A)

Ans. A kite is being flown by Rahul. (P)

3. Who has broken the glass? (A)

Ans. By whom has the glass been broken? (P)

4. Let the game by finished. (P)

Ans. Finish the game. (A)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2009

  1. Shut the door.

Ans. Let the door be shut.

2. Who wrote the Ramayana?

Ans. By whom was the Ramayana written?

3. The players are being trained by the coach.

Ans. The coach is training the players.

4. These poems have been written by Partha.

Ans. Partha has written these poems.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2008

  1. Keep the book on the table.

Ans. Let the book be kept on the table.

2. She is writing a letter.

Ans. A letter is being written by her.

3. He will be forgotten in a few year.

Ans. People will forget him in a few year.

4. The clown is being laughed at.

Ans. They are laughing at the clown.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2007

  1. Mr. Johnson teaches us English. (A)

Ans. We are taught English by Mr. Johnson. (P)

2. He will be made king by the people. (P)

Ans. The people will make him king. (A)

3. The audience loudly cheered the Mayor’s speech. (A)

Ans. The Mayor’s speech was loudly cheered. (P)

4. Let the bill be paid today. (P)

Ans. Pay the bill today.

Voice HS 2nd year- 2006

  1. His behaviour vexes me sometimes. (A)

Ans. I am sometimes vexed at his behaviour. (P)

2. The Mayor’s speech was loudly cheered. (P)

Ans. The audience loudly cheered the Mayor’s speech. (A)

3. Why did no one inform me of the change of plane? (P)

Ans. Why was I not informed of the change of plane? (P)

4. The entire block is being demolished. (P)

Ans. They are demolishing the entire block. (A)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2005

  1. They were carrying the injured to hospital. (A)

Ans. The injured were being carried to hospital by them. (P)

2. English is spoken all over the world. (P)

Ans. People speak English all over the world. (A)

3. Who has broken the window pane? (A)

Ans. By whom has the window pane been broken? (P)

4. He was laughed at by all. (P)

Ans. All laughed at him. (A)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2004

  1. The pupils have never been taught to do that exercise. (P)

Ans. The teacher has never taught the pupils to do that exercise. (A)

2. The soldiers were told to report to the Captain. (P)

Ans. The commander told the soldiers to report to the Captain. (A)

3. They have made John manager of the firm. (A)

Ans. John has been made manager of the firm by them. (P)

4. The owner himself showed them the house. (A)

Ans. They were shown the house by the owner himself. (P)

Ans. The house was shown to them by the owner himself. (P)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2003

  1. They promised Marry a new doll for her birthday. (A)

Ans. Marry was promised a new doll for her birthday by them. (P)

Ans. A new doll was promised to Marry for her birthday by them. (P)

2. The doctor has ordered me a new diet. (A)

Ans. I have been ordered a new diet by the doctor. (P)

Ans. A new dies has been ordered to me by the doctor. (P)

3. He was allowed five minutes to get ready. (P)

Ans. They allowed him five minutes to get ready. (A)

4. I was told the latest news by a friend this morning. (P)

Ans. A friend told me the latest news this morning. (A)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2002

  1. The town was destroyed by an earthquake. (P)

Ans. An earthquake destroyed the town. (A)

2. The letters were being delivered by the postman. (P)

Ans. The postman was delivering the letters. (A)

3. My father gave me a pen. (A)

Ans. I was given a pen by my father. (P)

Ans. A pen was given to me by my father.

4. They laugh at us. (A)

Ans. We are laughed at by them. (P)

Voice HS 2nd year- 2000

1. The boy was punished for misconduct. (Passive)

Ans. The teacher punished the boy for misconduct. (Active)

2.He told me the story. (A)

Ans. I was told the story by him. (P)


Ans. The story was told to me by him.

3. I have lost my book. (A)

Ans. My book has been lost. (P)

4. Indiscipline should not be encouraged. (P)

Ans. One should not encourage indiscipline. (A)

5. The students respect the Principal very much. (A)

Ans. The Principal is respected by the students very much. (P)

6. She is known to us. (P)

Ans. We know her. (A)

7. The coach is training the players. (A)

Ans. The players are being trained by the coach. (P)

8. My umbrella has been stolen. (P)

Ans. Somebody has stolen my umbrella. (A)

Voice Additional Questions with Answers

Below are some additional Questions of Active to Passive Voice.

1. The news surprised me.

Ans. I was surprised at the news.

2. Are they meeting him at the airport?

Ans. Is he being met by them at the airport?

3. She handed me the letter.

Ans. I was handed the letter by her.

4. They laughed at us.

Ans. We were laughed at by them.

5. He described the situation to the police.

Ans. The situation was described to the police by him.

6. The storm damaged the roof.

Ans. The roof was damaged by the storm.

7. The stranger made an attempt to break into the house.

Ans. An attempt was made by the stranger to break into the house.

8. The student was told to leave the room.

Ans. The teacher told the student to leave the room.

9. You will be asked to deliver the letters.

Ans. Someone will ask you to deliver the letters.

10. I have been asked about the incident.

Ans. People have asked me about the incident.

11. The students have been told to organize the program.

Ans. The teacher has told the students to organize the program.

12. I know that he did the work.

Ans. That he did the work is known to me.

13. The thief was beaten up by the mob.

Ans. The mob beat up the thief.

14. Your sister is well known to my mother.

Ans. My mother knows your sister will.

15. My umbrella has been stolen.

Ans. Someone has stolen my umbrella.

16. Rajen was told by the Principal to work harder.

Ans. The principal told Rajen to work harder.

17. The noise of the blast awakened the villagers.

Ans. The villagers were awakened at the nose of the blast.

18. I was put to sleep by the cool breeze.

Ans. The cool breeze put me to sleep.

19. After the accident someone called the police.

Ans. The police was called after the accident.

20. They were cleaning the floor earlier today.

Ans. The floor was cleaned by them earlier today.

21. He is expected soon.

Ans. We expect him soon.

22. Guwahati is called the gateway to the North East.

Ans. People call Guwahati the gateway to the North East.

23. Fire burnt the shed to ashes.

Ans. The shed was burnt to ashes by Fire.

24. Shall we help her with her work?

Ans. Will she be helped by us with her work?

25. Have you brought the book?

Ans. Has the book been brought by you?

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