The Scarecrow Important Question-Answers (Latest) Class 12 AHSEC

Here you will find the The Scarecrow Important Questions and Answers for class 12 AHSEC Final Board Exam Which is going to be held in May 2021.

Here i have compiled The Scarecrow’s questions-answers from past years papers from 2015-2020 which is the first thing you should cover. I have also included some additional important questions.

After covering the past years papers of Alternative English class 12 Ahsec , you should cover The Scarecrow’s Textual questions-answers.

If you have done all these things , it would be better if you prepare some addtional question-answers of the scarecrow.

If you have just started studying for exam and not even read The Scarecrow chapter, you should read the scarecrow summary first and get understanding of this chapter.

Alternative English Chapterwise notes and question paper with solutions

The Scarecrow’s important questions-answers

Below is the list of some important question answers of the scarecrow.

1 mark Questions:

  1. Whose voice does Mriganko Babu recognize in the voice of scarecrow? 2016 2019

Ans. He recognized Abhiram’s voice, in the voice of the scarecrow.

2. Where does Mriganko Babu’s driver go to fetch petrol? 2016 2018

Ans: Mriganko Babu’s driver went to panagarh to fetch petrol.

3. Who is the author of the story, ‘The Scarecrow’? 2017

Ans: Satyajit Ray is the author of the story ‘The Scarecrow’

4. Whom did Mriganko Babu’s father call in to find the lost watch? 2017

Ans. Mriganko Babu’s father called in a witch doctor to fund the lost watch.

5. Where did the scarecrow ask Mriganko Babu to look for his watch? 2018

Ans: The scarecrow asked Mriganko Babu to look in his wardrobe for his watch.

.6. What is the full name of Mriganko Babu? 2019

Ans. Mriganko Babu’s full name was Mriganko Shekhar Mukhopadhyay.

7. What is the name of the driver of Mriganko Babu? 2020

Ans: The name of the driver of Mriganko Babu is Sudheer.

8. Who did invite Mriganko Babu to felicitate him? 2020

Ans: A club in Durgapur had invited him to a cultural function, in order to felicitate him.   


  1. Where had Mriganko Shekhar Mukhopadhyay been invited and why? 2016

Ans. Mriganko Babu was headed to Durgapur because he was invited by a club to a cultural function where he was to be felicitated.

2. Why was Mriganko Babu terrified? 2016

Ans: Mriganko Babu got stranded near paddy near a paddy field on his way back to the city as his car ran out of petrol. Suddenly he felt as though the scarecrow made some movement. Then he thought that it was his imagination. But then he saw and the scarecrow actually came to life and moving towards him. The Scarecrow came near Mriganko Babu and introduced him as Abhiram, an old servant who served Mriganko Babu and his family for long twenty years. So he was terrified.

3. Why did Mriganko Babu go to Durgapur? 2017

Ans: Mriganko Babu went to Durgapur because he was invited by a club in Durgapur to a cultural function where he was to be felicitated.

4. Who was Abhiram? 2017 2018

Ans: Abhiram was Mriganko Babu’s servent.

5. What did Sudheer not pay any attention to? 2018

Ans: he didn’t pay any attention to fill the car tank even after he was told. And because of that, they had to be stranded in the middle of nowhere.

6. Why did Mriganko Babu never consult the almanac before travelling anywhere?  2019  

Ans: Mriganko Babu never consulted the almanac before travelling anywhere because he did not believe in superstition.

7. Why did the driver go to Panagarh? 2019    

Ans. The petrol gauge of Mriganko Babu’s car was not functioning properly. It was unable to show the proper amount of petrol in the tank. When they were heading towards Durgapur, they run out of petrol so Sudhir, the driver went to Panagarh to get petrol from there.

8. What is an almanac? 2020

Ans: An almanac is an annual publication listing a set of current, general or specific, information about one or multiple subjects.It includes information like weather forecasts, farmers’ planting dates, tide tables, and other tabular data often arranged according to the calendar.

Why did Mriganko Babu decide never to seek a witch doctor’s help? 2020

Ans. Mriganko Babu doubted Abhiram’s innocence on the basis of the words of a witch doctor. Therefore, he decided never to seek a witch doctor’s help if ever anything gets stolen from his house.


1.What did Mriganko Babu do on reaching home and why? 2016

Ans. Abhiram told Mriganko Babu the truth of his stolen watch, that he was not there, he has always been loyal to them, and that the watch was still there in their house. On reaching home, Mriganko Babu searched for his watch under the wardrobe as directed by the scarecrow and found his watch there. He then realized his mistake and decided never to believe the witch doctors ever again.

2. What happened to Abhiram after he left Mriganko Babu? 2017 2019

Ans. Abhiram was a servant of Mriganko Babu. He served his family for a long twenty years. He was a trustworthy servant. Once one of Mriganko Babu’s watches, which he got as his wedding gift, was stolen. They searched everywhere but could not find. Hence they took the help of a witch doctor who told them that it was stolen by Abhiram. They believed the witch doctor so much that Abhiram ultimately had to lose his job. He begged justice for his innocence but was of no use.

On reaching home, Mriganko Babu searched for his watch under the wardrobe as directed by the scarecrow and found his watch there. He then realized his mistake and decides never to believe the witch doctors ever again.

3. Attempt a description of the western side of the road as seen by Mriganko Babu. 2018

Ans. When Mriganko Babu was on his way back to his home from Durgapur, he got stuck in a road where there was nothing. He went out of the car and studied the whole area. There was no habitation. The western side of the road was covered with some plant and winter crops. There was a scarecrow in the middle of those crops. The shirt that the scarecrow was wearing was familiar with Mriganko Babu.

4. Describe Mriganko Babu’s reaction after meeting the Scarecrow. 2020

Ans: The scarecrow that stood in the middle of the small patch of land was made of bamboo poles and an earthen pot which was placed upside down. The scarecrow was placed to frighten the birds that came to eat the crops. As Mriganko Babu was looking at it, he noticed that it was wearing a printed shirt. The torn shirt which was printed red and black seemed familiar to Mriganko Babu. He felt that he had seen the shirt worn by someone but he was unable to remember exactly who had put on the shirt. However, he was certain that he had seen someone wearing that shirt a long time ago.

Explain with reference to the context (4 marks)

1.Mriganko Babu tried very hard but failed to remember. Yet, he felt sure that he had seen someone wear such a shirt, a long time ago. 2017

Ans: The quoted lines are from Satyajit Ray’s short story ‘The Scarecrow’. These lines are reflective of Mriganko Babu’s thoughts as he was standing near a patch of land which had a scarecrow in the middle of it. The scarecrow that stood in the middle of the small patch of land was made of bamboo poles and an earthen pot which was placed upside down. The scarecrow was placed to frighten the birds that came to eat the crops. As Mriganko Babu was looking at it, he noticed that it was wearing a printed shirt. The torn shirt which was printed red and black seemed familiar to Mriganko Babu. He felt that he had seen the shirt worn by someone but he was unable to remember exactly who had put on the shirt. However, he was certain that he had seen someone wearing that shirt a long time ago.

2. “For some unknown reasons, Mriganko Babu continued to feel strangely drawn towards that figure.” 2020

Ans. These lines occur when Mriganko Babu felt that the scarecrow was making some movements. When Mriganko Babu saw the scarecrow, he felt that he had seen the shirt before which the scarecrow was wearing. He tried to recall the person whom he had seen wearing that particular shirt, but could not. Suddenly he felt as though the scarecrow made some movement. Then he thought that it was his imagination. But then he saw that the scarecrow actually came to life and moving towards him. The Scarecrow came near Mriganko Babu and introduced him as Abhiram, an old servant who served Mriganko Babu and his family for long twenty years and lost his job due to some criminal activities which actually had nothing to do with Abhiram. Seeing a scarecrow coming to life, moving towards him and talking to him made Mriganko Babu’s heart beat faster.

3. On reaching home, Mriganko Babu went Straight to his room and searched under his wardrobe. 2018

Ans: Ans:- These lines have been quoted from Satyajit Ray’s short story “The Scarecrow.”

In the present context, Mriganko Babu is in search of his lost watch. Abhiram told Mriganko babu the truth of his stolen watch, that he was not there, he has been always loyal to them, and that the watch was still there in their house. On reaching home, Mriganko babu searched for his watch under the wardrobe as directed by the scarecrow and found the watch there. He then realised his mistake and decided never to believe the witch doctors ever again.

4. But no, there was someone else. It was that scarecrow.       2019

Ans. These lines occur when Mriganko Babu studied the place he got stranded and took himself to be the only person there. But then only he noticed the scarecrow. A bamboo pole had been fixed vertically on the ground, and another was placed horizontally across it. The two ends of the second pole stretched out like two arms. A shirt had been slipped onto this structure. Its sleeves covered the ‘arms’. Over the free end of the vertical pole, an earthen pot had been placed, upside down.

The Scarecrow additional important questions

                                               1 MARKS QUESTIONS : 

1. What is the name of Satyajit Ray’s first film?

Ans. The name of Satyajit Ray’s first film is Pather Panchali.

2. Who was Mriganko Babu?

Ans. Mriganko Babu was a famous and popular writer.

3. What was the name of Mriganko Babu’s driver?

Ans. The name of Mriganko Babu’s driver was Sudheer.

4. What was the occupation of Mriganko Babu?

Ans. Mriganko Babu’s occupation was that of a writer.

5. Was Mriganko Babu superstitious?

Ans. No, Mriganko Babu was not superstitious.

6. Which magazine had asked him for a story?

Ans. Bharat Magazine had asked him for a story.

7. What Mriganko Babu really alone in that place?

Ans. Yes, Mriganko was really alone in that place because he could see no sign of humans around him.

8.. Whose presence did he perceive in that place?

Ans. He perceived a scarecrow’s presence in that place.

9. Where was scarecrow standing?

Ans. The scarecrow was standing right in the middle of cropland.


1. What kind of shirt was scarecrow wearing?

Ans. The scarecrow was wearing a red and black printed shirt. Mriganko Babu felt as though he had seen someone wearing that shirt before. He tried to recall the person who wore such a shirt.

 2. What did Mriganko Babu decide never to do again?

Ans. Mriganko Babu doubted Abhiram’s innocence on the basis of the words of a witch doctor. Therefore, he decided never to seek a witch doctor’s help if ever anything gets stolen from his house.

3. What happened Abhiram after he left Mriganko Babu?

Ans. When Abhiram was accused of stealing, he had to lose his job and move back to his village. There he was soon afflicted with dropsy. He suffered and dies. He was very sad that he could not prove his innocence to his masters.

4. What was the scene on the eastern side of the road where Mriganko Babu stood waiting for Sudheer, his driver?

Ans. On the Eastern side there stretched an empty field far away. In the far distance, a small hut could be seen standing next to a tamarind tree. There was no other sign of habitation. Still further stood a row of palm trees, beyond which lay a dense, dark forest.

5. What were Mriganko Babu’s thoughts on his fellow Bengalis? What made him think so?

Ans. Mriganko Babu thought that all Bengalis were selfish. They would never think of considering the welfare or convenience of others at least, not if it meant causing them any inconvenience.

He thought so because he got stranded in the middle of nowhere. A few cars passed by him but none of them bothered to stop and ask him if he needed any help.

6. What did he do in the car? What did he try to think of doing next?

Ans. He sat in the car and started to read a book but could not concentrate properly. Hence, he took out his notebook and started to write a story because Bharat Magazine had asked him for one.

7. Describe Scarecrow.

Ans. A bamboo pole had been fixed vertically on the ground, and another was placed horizontally across it. The two ends of the second pole stretched out like two arms. A shirt had been slipped onto this structure. Its sleeves covered the ‘arm’. Over the free end of the vertical pole, an earthen pot had been placed, upside down.

4 Marks Questions

1. Why did Mriganko Babu feel a tremor?

Ans. When Mriganko Babu saw the scarecrow, he felt that he had seen the shirt before which the scarecrow was wearing. He tried to recall the person whom he had been wearing that particular shirt, but could not. Suddenly he felt as though the scarecrow made some movement. Then he thought that it was his imagination. But then he saw and the scarecrow actually came to life and moving towards him. The Scarecrow came near Mriganko Babu and introduced him as Abhiram, an old servant who served Mriganko Babu and his family for long twenty years and lost his job due to some criminal activities which actually had nothing to do with Abhiram. Seeing a scarecrow coming to life, moving towards him and talking gave Mriganko Babu a tremor.

 2. What had happened three years ago at Mriganko Babu’s home?

Ans. Abhiram was a servant of Mriganko Babu. He served his family for a long twenty years. He was a trustworthy servant. Once one of Mriganko Babu’s watches, which he got as his wedding gift, was stolen. They searched everywhere but could not find. Hence they took the help of a witch doctor who told them that it was stolen by Abhiram. They believed the witch doctor so much that Abhiram ultimately had to lose his job. He begged justice for his innocence but was of no use.

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