SEBA Class 10 History notes |Chapter 2: Rise of Gandhi And Freedom Movement of India | Social science

SEBA Class 10 notes social science

HSLC SEBA Class 10 History notes have been given below to help students in their studies. All these textual question answers of HSLC SEBA Class 10 HISTORY Notes have been prepared by experts.

Textual Questions Answers Chapter 2 Social Science SEBA Class 10


1. When was Mahatma Gandhi born?

Ans-Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869.

2. In which country did Gandhi first apply the technique of Satyagraha?

Ans-Gandhi first applied the technique of Satyagraha in South Africa.

3. Why did Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood?

Ans-Rabindranath Tagore had renounced the British knighthood in protest against the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919

4. Under whose leadership was the Khilafat movement started in India?

Ans-Under the leadership of Mohammad Ali Shaukat and Maulana Ali  the Khilafat movement started in India.

5. when did the Chauri Chaura incident take place?

Ans-The Chauri Chaura incident took place on 5th February 1Fauj.

6. under what circumstances did Lala Lajpat Rai lost his life?

Ans-A procession organized against the Simon Commission under the leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai was Lathi charged.

Lala Lajpat Rai was seriously wounded and he subsequently died.

7. when and in which session of the Indian National Congress was Purna Swaraj declared to be the chief goal of Indians?

Ans-In 1929 at the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress was Purna Swaraj declared to be the chief goal of the Indians.

8. Gandhi started on his salt march from Sabarmati Ashram to the seacoast of Dandi what was the distance between Sabarmati Ashram and the seacoast at Dandi?

Ans-The distance between Sabarmati Ashram and the seacoast at Dandi is 385 km.

9. who was known as Frontier Gandhi?

Ans-Khan Abdul gaffar Khan was known as frontier Gandhi.

10. who was the sole Congress representative at the second round table conference in London?

Ans-The second round table conference held in London in 1931 Mahatma Gandhi participated in it as the sole representative of the Congress.

11. name the British Prime Minister Who announced the communal award in 1932?

Ans-British Prime Minister Ramsay  Macdonald announced the communal award in 1932.

12. during the course of which movement did Gandhi gave the slogan do or die?

Ans-During the Quit India Movement Gandhi gave the slogan do or die.

13. who was the founder of Azad Hind Fauj?

Ans-Mohan Singh was the founder of Azad Hind Fauj.

14. give me blood and I shall give you freedom this famous quote is attributed to which Indian leader give me blood and I shall give you freedom?

Ans-This famous quote is attributed by Subhash Chandra Bose.

15. what is the name of the international boundary line between India and Pakistan?

Ans-Red Cliff line is the International boundary line between India and Pakistan.

Long Answer Type Questions :-

Q1. What do you understand by the term satyagraha? Briefly write three localities where Gandhiji first applied the technique of Satyagraha in India?

Answer:- the word satyagraha was first used by Gandhiji in South Africa. It is a compound of two separate words Satyam means truth and the other means adherence holding fast its root meaning is holding on to the truth.

The three local disputes where Gandhi first applied the technique of Satyagraha in India are:-

(1) in Champaran, he took up the causes of peasants against the landlord

(2) in Kheda, he took up the causes of farmers against the collection of land revenue when their crops fail.

(3) In Ahmedabad, he took up the causes of the mill workers against the mill owners.

Q2. why was the Khilafat movement started in India?

Answer:- The peace was signed at the Paris peace conference to bring to an end of the first world war. The treaty held out the prospect of endangering the existence of Turki and also lowering the prestige and state status of the Khilafat. The head of the state of Turkey wanted to restore territorial integrity as well as the official status and Prestige of Khilafat of Turkey. The central Khilafat committee was organised in India under the leadership of Maulana Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali, for this reason, the Khilafat movement was started in India

Q3. why did Mahatma Gandhi launch the non-cooperation movement of 1920- 22? what was its program that made Gandhi suspend the movement?

Answer:- Mahatma Gandhi launched the non-cooperation movement of 1920 – 22 because of the following reason:-

Rowlatt Act:- one of the causes of the non-cooperation movement was the passing of the Rowlatt Act on 18th March 1919 by the British. The political leaders of the country become dissatisfied with the act and on the advice of Gandhiji people observed ‘hartal’ across the country on 6th April, 1919. Thus Gandhiji tried his level best to transform this anti-Rowlatt Act to the Satyagraha movement.

2. The incident of jallianwalla Bagh:- Thousand of people gathered in Jallianwala Bagh on 13th April to protest against the Rowlatt Act at that time general Dias ordered his Army to the peaceful gathering hundred of living were lost and many more were wounded the news of the Jallianwala Bagh incident is spread all over the world making the people more determined to explain the British from India and so Gandhiji started the non-cooperation movement.

3. khilafat movement:- Khalifa was regarded as the Sultan of Turki by Muslims after the defeat of Turkey in the first world war the influences of the Khalifa was greatly reduced the Muslims become upset and so there formed Khilafat committee to accept the non-violent non-cooperation movement as the only effective way to force the government to accept its demand

(4) The economic exploitation of India by the British

(5) Due to World War 1:-there was huge destruction exploitation of India’s economy and human resources due to World War 1. The program of non-cooperation movement are:-

(1) There was a huge bonfire of foreign clothes in different places are and shops selling foreign goods and liquours were picketed

(2) The Congress set up national education institutions light Kashi Vidyapeeth Banaras Vidyapeeth the national Muslim University of Aligarh etc to spread national education.

(3) Twenty thousand ‘ charkha’ manufactured

(4) The people started deciding their dispute as by the means of arbitration the British administration kept thousands of people in jail across the country for the simple reason of their participation in the freedom movement. The peasantry of chauri chaura in the united province set  Fire to the police outpost on 5th February 1922. Many policemen including zamindar and Darogas from burning in this incident. Gandhiji wanted The Non-cooperation violent one but when the movement took a violent turn and chauri chura he called out the movement on 12th  February 1922.

Q4. what was the aim of the civil disobedience movement what were the main features of the movement??

Answer:- The main aim of the disobedience movement was to attain sentences for India the main features of the civil disobedience movement were:-

(1) The declaration of independence day nationally.

(2) The internationally famous Salt Satyagraha march was a challenge to the British government.

(3) The British Round table conference held with representatives from the Indian National Congress and Gandhi in prison

(4) Liquor shops were picketed and foreign goods were boycotted.

Q5. Under what circumstances was the Quit India government launch do you consider the movement to be a milestone in India’s struggle for independence give a reason in support of your

Answer: During the Second World War the support of India became an urgent necessity both for the British home government the allied powers. The national is the leader of China and the president of the USA had been putting pressure on Winston Churchill the British Prime Minister to work for getting the direct support of India in the war. accordingly in 1942. Winston Churchill sent Sir Stafford Cripps to negotiate with Indian political parties for seeking theirs support in the war. A draft declaration of the British government was offered to Indians which included the establishment of domination status . the establishment of a constituent assembly and the right of provinces to make a separate constitution. All this would be granted only after the war. But the Indian national congress did not accept Cripps proposal as it didn’t contain anything regarding the independence of India failing to arrive at a compromise with Cripps the Indian national congress adopted the ‘Quit India ‘ resolution on the 8th August 1942 to non – cooperated with the government and ask the British to quit India resolution so it was known as quiet India resolution.

the quit Indian government is considered to be a milestone in India’s struggle for freedom because:-

(i) Congress adopted the quit India resolution which was declared among other things. the immediate ending of British rule in India.

(ii) It demonstrated the depth that nationalist feeling had reached in the country and the great capacity for struggle and sacrifice that the people had developed.

(iii) Through the quit India movement failed to attain its ultimate aim it accelerated the whole course of the freedom struggle and bought freedom very near to the Indian.

(iv) The historic movement placed the demand for independence on the immediate agenda of a national movement

Q6. Write a brief Note on Indian National Army?

Answer: Indian National Army was first considered by Captain Mohan Singh and an Indian officer of the British army in Malaya who had to surrender to the Japanese in the Second World War.

In march 1942 A conference of expatriate Indians was held in Tokyo which lead to the formation of the Indian Independence league this was followed by a conference in Bangkok where Bihari Boss was elected president of the league and a decision was taken to raise a national army or Azad Hind fauj. Bangkok conference also invited Subhash Chandra boss to Japan. Shortly after his arrival bose resigned from the presidency Indian National Army was recognized apart from the Indian prisoners of War. recruits were sought from civilians and fun square and even a woman regiment called the Rani Jhansi regiment the slogan of the( ina) was Jay Hind


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