AHSEC – Class 12 Question Papers: Alternative English’ 2013

PAPER 2013
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer any five of the following: 1×5=5
  1. Who is the author of the prose piece ‘The Appetite of Earth’?
  2. What did the passerby offer the old man?
  3. “-yes, even though I die and others must plant it, the land must be put to seed”. Who said in ‘The Refugees’?
  4. What is Mr. Nuttel’s ailment?
  5. What is Vera’s relation to Mrs. Sappleton?
  6. Where did the ‘hunters’ go out for shooting ducks?
  7. With whom does Eveline plan to go away?
  8. What was Frank ‘awfully fond of’?
  9. Why does the author like a Kitchen garden?
  10. What is an orchard?
2. Answer any five of the following: 2×5=10
  1. Why did the refugees throng the new capital?
  2. After feeding the child, what did the old man do?
  3. Why did Framton Nuttel visit the rural retreat?
  4. What is Mrs. Sappleton’s opinion about Mr. Nuttel?
  5. Why did Eveline want to go to Buenos Aires?
  6. What kind of a man is Frank?
  7. What will happen to the moon ‘by the end of the world’?
  8. Where does the writer observe the moon looking like a cream cheese?
3. Answer any three of the following: 4×3=12
  1. Why were the city dwellers bitter towards the refugees?
  2. What did the old man say to the man who gave him a silver coin?
  3. Why does the author comment ‘Romance at short notice was her speciality?
  4. Give a description of the character – Mr. Nuttel.
  5. What is Eveline’s final decision? What makes her take the decision?
  6. How does G.K. Chesterton show that ‘the metaphor of eating is deep-rooted in our consciousness’?
4. Explain with reference to the context (any two) : 4×2=8
  1. But these were no common men and women, no riff-raff from some community always poor and easily in a flood time.
  2. “Do you know, sometimes on still, quit evening like this, I almost get a creepy feeling that they will all walk in through that window,”
  3. She stood up in a sudden impulse of terror. Escape! She must escape!
  4. All great spiritual scriptures are full of the invitation not to test, but to taste, not to examine but to eat.
5. Answer any five of the following: 1×5=5
  1. Who is the poet of ‘The Darkling Thrush’?
  2. What is the ‘century’s corpse’ referred to in ‘The Darkling Thrush’?
  3. What does the poet envisage for his motherland?
  4. The darkness crumbles away’ – What does the poet mean by it in “Break of Day in the Trenches”?
  5. ‘Since I can never see your face’…
Whose face is referred to in the poem, ‘To poet a Thousand Years Hence’?
  1. Who is referred to as ‘old Maeonides’ in James Elroy Flecker’s poem?
  2. What happened when the poet did not express his anger?
  3. What does the poet mean by ‘I told my Wrath’?
6. Answer any four of the following: 2×4=8
  1. Who came into the garden and when?
  2. What was the seed from which the ‘poison tree’ grew?
  3. What does the poet convey when he says ‘send you my words for messengers’?
  4. What according to the poet are the inspirations of poetry through the ages?
  5. What is referred to as ‘cosmopolitan sympathies’ in ‘Break of Day in the Trenches’?
  6. How is the bird ‘thrush’ described in the poem ‘The Darkling Thrush’?
  7. Fill in the blanks
Where the _____ is without fear and the ____ is held high.
7. Answer any three of the following: 4×3=12
  1. What conclusions does the poet draw, at the end of the poem ‘The Darkling Thrush’?
  2. What according to the poet hinders the true freedom of the mind and spirit?
  3. How does Rosenberg bring out the futility of war in his poem?
  4. Write a brief note on the title of the poem, ‘To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence’.
  5. What happened when the poet did not tell his wrath?
8. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following: 5×1=5
  1. O friend unseen, unborn, unknown
Student of our sweet English tongue
Read out my words at night, alone
I was a poet, I was young.
  1. The ancient pulse of germ and birth
Was shrunken hard and dry
And every spirit upon earth
Seemed feverless as I
  1. I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
9. Change the following sentences as per the directions given in the brackets without changing the meaning (any five): 1×5=5
  1. He saw someone in the room. (make it interrogative)
  2. Where in the world will you find a mountain peak higher than Everest? (make it affirmative)
  3. Everybody must admit that he is a good musician. (make it negative)
  4. None but a rogue those happy thus. (make it affirmative)
  5. I shall never forget those happy days.(make it interrogative)
  6. He is rich, but honest. (use although……)
  7. Children go to school in order that they may learn things. (use to……)
  8. He left no plan untried. (make it affirmative)
10. Add question tags to the following (Any five) 1×5=5
  1. You like a lot of sugar in milk.
  2. Don’t be late for dinner.
  3. None of the labours arrived on time.
  4. One can’t be too careful about that.
  5. Please close the door.
  6. Sunidhi speaks French well.
  7. I am older than you.
  8. She did not go home during the vacation.
11. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions (any five): 1×5=5
  1. It rained continuously ____ twenty four hours.
  2. You must be home ____ ten O’clock.
  3. My grandparents will come ____ Sunday.
  4. There is no sugar ____ the pot.
  5. He spoke ____ me in English
  6. He trembled ____ anger.
  7. We usually have breakfast ____ eight O’clock.
  8. It is not good to boast ____ wealth.
12. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs in brackets, in their correct tenses (any five) 1 x 5 = 5
  1. The principal ____ the students regularly at 10 O’clock. (meet)
  2. Sachin ____ the century before I switched on the TV. (score)
  3. They ____ to watch a movie tonight. (go)
  4. My father ____ English in this college for thirty years. (teach)
  5. We ____ for the continent on Friday. (leave)
  6. I ____ letters since ten O’clock this morning. (write)
  7. I ____ that boy somewhere before. (see)
  8. I had reached the place before he ____. (leave)
13. Read the following conversation and answer the questions given below :
Geeroms: I’ve been looking into the question of having the goods sent by air. It’s quick, the good are less liable to damage than by sea and rail, and there’s less risk of holdups due to strikes.
Simpson: There is only one thing there, Freight costs are higher by air, and if we operate on CIF terms we’ve already provisionally agreed, this might mean a substantial increase in our expenses.
Geeroms: All the same, really I believe it would be worthwhile, and we would be prepared to meet you half-way with the extra cost incurred.
Simpson: I’m certainly with you in principle, but I’ll have to take the matter up when I get back to Wolverhamption. Perhaps you would make a special note of that, Victoria.
Victoria: Would you please just check that I’ve got it right? I’ve written: Possibility of air freighting to be examined. Importer willing to contribute to extra cost.
Simpson: Thank you. That sums it up all right; doesn’t it Mr. Geeroms?
Geeroms: Very nicely. The next point is the guarantee. We should like to be able to offer the Customer a guarantee for at least six months.
Simpson: No trouble about that.
We offer a standard guarantee of twelve months in all the countries we’re selling in, and there’s no reason that I can think of why Belgium should be exception.
Geeroms: So a similar guarantee would be written into our contract also?
Simpson: Certainly. Then, out of the things we haven’t decided properly yet is who’s going to be responsible for publicity.
Geeroms: We are prepared to look after that side entirely. The only thing I would propose is that you should supply us with as much informational material – prospectuses, leaflets, instructions for use, etcetera- as possible. We’ll have them translated into French and Flemish and also see the posters are made available for window displays and that ads are placed in the trade journals and the dailies.
Simpson: That’s fine, but perhaps we could be consulted about the initial promotional campaign – as you know we’ve been marketing our products in quite a few countries lately, and we feel we’ve picked up quite a few gimmicks we’d like to suggest for adaptation over here.
Geeroms: Of course we’d be only too pleased to get new ideas and co-operation from your side.
Simpson:  Victoria, any other points we ought to take up?
Victoria: May I run through our check-list? Price – agreed upon. Delivery times –
Geeroms: That will depend on whether you send the goods by air.
Simpson: Quite.
Victoria: Initial order, five thousand pieces, later orders, according to sales. Terms of payment: settled. Packing-
Simpson: That again may depend on mode of transport.
Geeroms: As I said yesterday, I think the display packing you are using in England is very attractive. If we supplied you with suitable French and Flemish text, could you have it printed on the boxes in England?
Simpson:  Would you make a note of that, Victoria?
Victoria: Yes, Mr. Simpson.
  1. What has been Geeroms looking into? 1
  2. What are the advantages of having the goods sent by air? 2
  3. What does Simpson say about the Freight cost? 2

  4. What is written by Victoria? 2
  5. What is the standard guarantee offered by Simpson? 1
  6. How is Geeroms prepared to look after the publicity side? 2
  7. What does Geeroms say about the display packing? What does the want to be printed on the boxes in England? 1 + 2
  8. What is agreed upon according to the check-list of Victoria? 1
  9. What will depend on mode of transport? 1
Amanda; but why – why, Tom-are you so restless? Where do you go to, nights?
Tom: I-go to movies.
Amanda: Why do you go to the movies so much, Tom?
Tom: I go to movies because – I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much at work, so I go the movies.
Amanda: Most young men find adventure in their careers.
Tom: Then most young men are not employed in a warehouse.
Amanda: The world is full of young men employed in warehouses and offices and factories.
Tom:  Do all of them find adventure in their careers?
Amanda: They do or they do without it! Not everybody has a craze for adventure.
Tom: Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter, and none of those instincts are given much play at the warehouse.
Amanda: Man is by instinct! Don’t quote instinct to me! Instinct is something that people have got away from! It belongs to animals Christian adults don’t want it!
Tom: What do Christian adults want, then, Mother?
Amanda: Superior things! Things of the mind and the spirit! Only animals have to satisfy instincts! Surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs!
Tom: I reckon they’re not.
Amanda: I want to talk about Laura.
Tom: What about Laura?
Amanda: We have to be making some plans and provisions for her. She’s older than you, two years, and nothing has happened. She just drifts along nothing. It frightens me terribly how she just drifts along.
Tom: I guess she’s the type that people call home girls.
Amanda: There’s no such type and if there is, it’s a pity! That is unless the home is hers, with a husband!
Tom: What do you mean?
Amanda: I mean that as soon as Laura has somebody to take care of her, a home of her own, independent – why then you’ll be free to go wherever you please, on land, on sea, whichever way the wind blows you!
But until that time you’ve got to look out for your sister.  I don’t say me because I’m old and don’t matter! I say for your sister because she’s young and dependent.
I put her business college – a dismal failure! Frightened her so it made her sick at the stomach
I look her over to the Young People’s League at the church. Another fiasco. She spoke to nobody, nobody spoke to her. Now all she does is fool with those pieces of glass and play those worn out records. What kind of a life is that for a girl to lead?
  1. Why does Tom go to movies? 2
  2. Does Amanda agree with Tom that everyone has a craze for adventure? 2
  3. What according to Tom, man basically is? 2
  4. What according to Amanda Christian adults want? 2
  5. What concerns does Amanda express about Laura? 2
  6. What happened to Laura in business school? Did she fare well there? 2
  7. How did Laura behave in Young People’s League at the church? 2

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