HS 1st year English Important Questions – 2020 Exam | AHSEC

CLASS – 11
The voice of the rain
1. Describe the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem, “Voice of the Rain”.
2. What does the rain do day and night?
Why is the rain so essential on the earth?(
3. What does the phrase ‘Strange to Tell’ mean?
4. Why does the rain describe itself as the Poem of Earth?
5. From where does the rain rise eternally?
6. What question does the poet put to the rain and how does he feel when he gets the answer?
7. What answer does the rain give to the poet regarding herself.
8. . Why does the rain describe itself as the poem of the earth?
Father to Son
1. How is the fathers helplessness brought out in the poem “Father to Son”?
2. What does the father think of his ‘Prodigal’ son?
3. For how long have the father and son staying together in the same house?
4. Cite the reasons behind the unhappiness of the father. What is his problem?
5. What is the father’s greatest wish for his son?
6. Why does the father want to build a relation with the son?
7. What does the father mean when he says, ‘Silence surrounds us.’
1. Why is the age of eleven so important for the poet?
2. In the poem, Childhood, the poet asks two questions – one is about the time and the other about the place.Why does he ask these questions?
3. What is the opinion of the poet about the hypocrisy of the adult?
4. What did the poet Markus Natten realize about Hell and Heaven when he was a child?(N)
5. . What according to the poet involved in the process of growing up?
6. When did the poet realize he had lost his childhood?
7. How does the poet got an answer to the question “Where did my childhood go”?
A Photograph
1. Whose transient feet is the poet talking about? Why are they transient?
2. Why would the poet’s mother laugh at the snapshot?
Why did the poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot? What did their laugh indicate?
3. What is the meaning of the line ‘Both wry with the labored case of loss?
4. Why are feet of all the girls called ‘terribly transient’?
5. Why there is nothing to say at all?
6. What does “this circumstances” refers to?
7. What has the camera captured in the poem ‘A Photograph’?
8. What has the camera captured in the poem ‘A Photograph’?
2 /3 Marks questions:
1.       Mention three way  how the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up. (N)  3marks
2.       Why was it hard for the author to believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty. (N)
3.       The author’s grandmother was religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this?
4.       How does Khuswant Singh describe his grandmother?         3 marks
5.       Explain: ‘Old, so terribly old that she could not have grown older’.
6.       How did the sparrows react to the death of the author’s grandmother? 3 marks
7.       What the difference between village school education and urban school education is as brought out in the lesson ‘The Portrait of a Lady’?(N)            3 marks
8.       Cite reasons to validate whether the distancing relationship between the author and his grandmother was deliberate or beyond their control. 3 marks
9.       Mention three reasons why the author’s grandmother was disturbed when he started going to the city school?  3 marks
10.   What was the happiest hour of the day for the grandmother?
11.   What was the grandmother’s opinion about the English school in the city?
12.   How did the grandmother celebrate the home coming of the narrator from abroad?
13.   What is the difference between village school education and urban school education as brought out in the lesson ‘The Portrait of a Lady’?
14.   What did she do while lying on the bed before her death?
15.   How does Khuswant Singh describe his grandmother?
The Ailing planet
1. How is man the most dangerous animal is this world?
2. What does the notice ‘The world’s most dangerous animal’ of a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia signify?
3. What do you understand by the concept of ‘sustainable development’ as explained in ‘The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role’?
4. What does the empty cage and the board in the zoo in Lusaka mean?
5. Margaret Thatcher says, ‘No generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy with full repairing lease.’ How is this statement significant today?
6. What was the question raised by first Brandt Commission?
7. . How is the population responsible for the environment degradation?
8. What are the four principal biological systems? How are they the foundation of the global economic system?
9. How is human population explosion the biggest threat to the existence of the ailing earth?
10. Why is it said that forest precedes mankind?
11. “We have not inherited this Earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children”. Justify this statement. 6 MARKS   2016
12. What is the Green Movement and what are its aims?
1.       Compare and contrast the Chinese and the European concepts of painting.         6 MARKS   2016
Contrast the Chinese view of art with the European view with examples
2.       Explain the concept of ‘Shanshui’.
3.       What do you understand by the terms ‘outsider art’ and ‘art brut’ or ‘raw art’?
4.       What did Wu Daozi paint for the Emperor?
5.       Name the two Chinese philosophers whose books are full of illusions.
1. What does Verrier Elwin say about the tradition of courtesy and hospitality in the modern world? What advice does he give to the people of Assam on this point?
2. What difference does Verrier Elwin draw between the Game Sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga?
3. What appeal does the author make the scholars of Assam concerning the songs and poems of the state? Why does he make this appeal?
4.Why according the Verrier Elwin, should wood carving be taught and encouraged in our educational centres?
5. ‘You have a great treasure there’ – What treasure is Verrier Elwin referring to and what is his suggestion about the treasure?
6.What appeal does the author make regarding Kaziranga National Park? Why?
1. Comment on the influence of English – the language and the way of life – on Indian society as reflected in Iyengar’s story “Ranga’s Marriage”. What is the narrator’s attitude to English? 6 marks
2. What did Ranga think about marriage?
3. How did Ranga and Ratna react when they saw each other?
4.Describe the quality of the mangoes of Hosahalli village.
5.Was Ratna a victim of the arranged marriage system?
6. How did the villagers welcome Ranga?
7. Who was Ranga? Why was Ranga’s coming a great event?
8.What were Ranga’s views on marriage? What was the narrator’s reaction when he came to know of Ranga’s view towards marriage
9.How did the narrator arrange that Ranga should meet Ratna?
10.How did Rangappa honour the narrator and why
11.How did Ranga feel when he heard and saw Ratna for the first time?
12. How did Shastri act after being tutored by the narrator?
1.       What was Einstein idea of education? What kind of a student was he?
2.       Why and how did Albert decide to get rid of his school?
3.       What was the view of Elsa about Albert?(N)
4.       . What punishment did the history teacher give to Albert Einstein for not answering his questions?
5.       Why did not Albert feet cheerful’ to go back to his lodging? Or What type of life did he live in Munich?
6.       What did Albert ask his friend Yuri to do?
7.       Who was Doctor Ernst Weil? How did he help Albert?
8.       Albert was quite nervous when he met the doctor. What does this show
9.        Who was Elsa? What did she try to make him understand?
10.    What were young Einstein’s interests?
11.   What do you understand of Einstein’s nature from his conversations with his history teacher, his mathematics teacher and the head teacher?
12.   The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss.
13.    How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation?
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